Weimarer Gitarre-Verein e.V.

The Weimarer Gitarre-Verein e.V. was founded in 1992. It brings together anyone who is interested in the subject, no matter whether they are involved in artistic guitar-playing or work as a practicing artist. According to its articles of association, the association strives to promote the pedagogical, artistic and academic aspects of playing the guitar and the lute. As part of this, particular attention is paid to supporting and maintaining the ‘Weimarer Gitarrenschule’ at the university and music school, and to encouraging young artists.

An array of activities within the city of Weimar, and in selected churches across the Weimar region, serve to uphold and continue the tradition of classical guitar music. The historical ambience of certain venues also supplements this. This was the case in 1998, for example, with the ‘Gitarrenmusik bei Anna Amalia’ series of concerts in the Wittumspalais and the ‘Junge Künstler – Alte Kirchen’ series in churches across Thuringia.

In 1999, the Weimarer Gitarre-Verein e.V. launched its own series of concerts, with its ‘Gitarrenmusik im Gewölbekeller’ (Stadtbücherei an der Steubenstraße) series. This series is now hugely popular, and will continue to be held in the years to come.

One of the association’s central concerns is the promotion of young guitarists, from both Germany and abroad, as well as rising talent. Therefore, the International Anna Amalia Competition for young guitarists takes place every other year. Children and young people from all around the world have already come to Weimar on more than ten occasions, to present their repertoire to a throng of listeners and to have their skills assessed by an international jury.

Weimarer Gitarre-Verein e.V.
President: Professor Jürgen Rost
Goetheplatz 9b
99423 Weimar
Tel. & Fax +49 3643 | 51 78 01
