
General news

- News,General news

ILL researcher Alessandro Tengattini has just been awarded a research chair at the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) to develop a five-year research project exploiting the combined neutrons and X-ray imaging capabilities of the NeXT instrument…

- News,General news

The third and final meeting of the Science Strategy Working Group was held at the ILL on June 17 and 18.

- News,Environment,Energy,Industry - Advanced Materials,Industry - Renewable & Nuclear Energies,Industry - Transport,General news,D50-NeXT

Over 100 scientists and industry experts gathered in Grenoble last week for the International Operando Battery Days (OBATT'24).
The event focused on exploring  new ways to analyse battery materials using cutting-edge tools and methods, both in-lab…

- News,General news,European news

Following the recent articles in Le Monde and Le Point, the importance of neutrons for science & innovation has now been highlighted in CNRS news. World-class research needs new neutron sources. Their success, however, depends on the vibrant…

- News,General news,Switzerland

Today we welcomed Prof. Martina Hirayama, Swiss State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation for the signing of the agreement to renew Switzerland’s Scientific Membership of the ILL from 2024.

- News,Industry,Industry - Pharmaceuticals,General news

Curium has just announced an agreement that adds ILL to their global irradiation portfolio to ensure continuous supply of lutetium-177 to benefit more than 100 000 cancer patients over the next five years

- News,General news

On 29 and 30 May 2024, the CEA organised a meeting of its Scientific Council in Grenoble on the theme of neutron scattering, under the chairmanship of the High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, Vincent Berger. The Scientific Council visited the ILL on…

- News,General news,European news

On May 28-29, the 4th annual conference of BATTERY 2030+ gathered over 300 participants in Grenoble for two days of great presentations, discussions and networking opportunities on many different facets of battery research in Europe and beyond.

- Industry - Pharmaceuticals,General news,France,Switzerland

The Swiss company NOVARTIS announced at the Choose France Summit the desire to establish a partnership with the ILL, already a partner of other pharmaceutical companies for radioisotope production for cancer treatment and research. This is part of a…

- News,General news

The second 2024 reactor cycle at ILL started today, 14 May. It will last 56 days, until 9 July, at a power of 47.2 MW.
