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Regional Plant Protection Organizations

A Regional Plant Protection Organization (RPPO) is an inter-governmental organization functioning as a coordinating body for National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPO) on a regional level. Not all contracting parties to the IPPC are members of RPPOs, nor are all members of RPPOs contracting parties to the IPPC. Moreover, certain contracting parties to the IPPC belong to more than one RPPO.

There are currently 10 RPPOs.

Article IX of the IPPC provides for  RPPO contributions to various activities that achieve the objectives of the IPPC. It extends the responsibilities of RPPOs to specify cooperation with the IPPC Secretariat and the Commission for Phytosanitary Measures in developing international standards. The RPPOs therefore play an important role in the cooperative endeavour to implement the IPPC.

Functions of RPPOs

The functions of RPPOs are mostly laid down in the Article IX of the IPPC and include:

  • Coordination and participation in activities among their NPPOs in order to promote and achieve the objectives of the IPPC
  • Cooperation among regions for promoting harmonized phytosanitary measures
  • Gathering and dissemination of information, in particular in relation with the IPPC
  • Cooperation with the CPM and the IPPC Secretariat in developing and implementing international standards for phytosanitary measures.

Each RPPO has its own activities and programme.

Nomination forms for Official Contact Points of RPPOs are available below.

How a new RPPO can request recognition from the CPM

The procedure for the recognition of new RPPOs was adopted by the ICPM-04 (2002). Please refer to the document posted below.

Technical Consultations among RPPOs

Technical Consultations among Regional Plant Protection Organizations (TC-RPPOs) are regularly convened (annual basis) by the Secretary of the Commission. The purpose of the TC-RPPOs is to inter alia, encourage inter-regional cooperation in promoting harmonized phytosanitary measures, and the development and use of relevant international standards for phytosanitary measures. In addition to being a forum for RPPOs to consult as a group, the TC can support regional programmes under the IPPC and contribute to the work programme of the CPM.

Terms of Reference of TC-RPPOs is posted below

Meeting reports and documents of TC-RPPOs are available from this link.

This web page was last reviewed on 2021-01-05. For further information please contact Masumi.Yamamoto.

Title Files Publications date
TC-RPPO Chairpersons and Vice-chairpersons En 22 Mar 2021
Roles and Functions of RPPOs in their relationship with the CPM En 19 Feb 2020
Procedure for the recognition of new RPPOs En 03 Sep 2020
Nomination Form of the Official Contact Point of the RPPO En Es Fr Ru Ar 11 Aug 2014

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