From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics

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Working with Edit Selections

Working with Edit Selections

- [Instructor] When making an Edit Selection, you'll often need to work across multiple tracks at once. In some cases the target tracks may be adjacent to one another. In other cases they may be on opposite ends of your session. Here I'll show you some techniques to control which tracks include the Edit Selection and which do not. If you'd like to make an Edit Selection on adjacent tracks, for example on the Drums track and also on the Bass track, you can simply click and drag both horizontally and vertically to extend the selection across both tracks. That's pretty simple, but what if I want to make a selection on the Drums track and also on the Guitars track without including the Bass track in between? Well, that's a little more involved. I can start by creating a selection on the Drums track and then using the Selector tool, I can Shift + Click onto the Guitars track. So now I've got a selection that's non-contiguous. It includes the top track, skips the middle track, and includes…
