MS Degree Requirements

The requirements for the MSME and MSEM degree follow those outlined by the Graduate School, with a few additions. For more information visit the degree requirements listed on the Graduate School website. Upon entering the MS program, a student selects an Advisor and in concert with their Advisor, develops a research topic and/or course plan to suit their individual interests and needs.

There are three plans that students follow in an MS program: Thesis option, Report option, or Coursework option. Students following the Thesis or Report option should establish a research topic by the end of the first semester of study, in close collaboration with a faculty research advisor. A Thesis or Report program can generally be completed in 1.5 to 2 years and culminates in the preparation and public defense of a thesis or report. The Coursework MS can be completed in one year and allows flexibility for an industrial co-op. The specific course requirements for the MS degree options are summarized in the table below.

MS Degree Requirements

* Courses < 4000 level will not be counted
* Grades < B (3.0) will not be counted
  Plan A
Thesis Option
Plan B
Report Option
Plan D
Course Work


Total Credits


Course Credits

20 24 30

Research Credits

6 2 0

Course credits at the 5000/6000 level

12 12 18

ME-EM Course credits

none explicitly required none explicitly required 15

EM oriented course credits

9 required for MSEM degree

Math course credits

6 required for MSEM degree
3 required for MSME degree

Graduate Seminar
(MEEM 6000)

Must be taken twice for a total of 2 credits -- counts toward coursework requirement

It is the student’s responsibility to complete the Graduate School ‘M’ forms as they become due. All work required for the Master of Science degree must be completed within five calendar years of the first enrollment in the degree program.

For those students pursuing the Coursework MS, the ME-EM Director of Graduate Studies may serve as the student’s permanent academic Advisor..

Tuition for MS students who have completed all required courses and the required number of credits for their degree will be reduced to the full-time research-only level. These students will be charged a tuition rate equal to 1/3 of the normal graduate tuition rate. The M4 – Degree Schedule should be submitted at this time to notify the Department of the change in status and to ensure they have fulfilled all of the degree requirements.

All students must maintain continuous enrollment whether on or off campus, except during summer.  Students off campus during summer will not be charged fees. A student must be enrolled the semester they graduate regardless of the total number of credits that have been earned..

Students who must take a "time-out" due to extenuating circumstances or lack of available online courses (for students in online or blended degree programs) need to register for a no-fee section of UN5951.

Forms and Requirements for Master's Students

MS students may choose one of three different plans to complete their degrees:

  • Thesis option. Students complete coursework and a thesis.
  • Report option. Students complete coursework and a report.
  • Coursework only option.

Each plan has different requirements, as summarized in the table below. All required forms (marked with an "X") are due for signature by the Director of Graduate Studies during the semester indicated in the form description. The forms will then be forwarded to the Graduate School.

Copyright, Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

As the University continues to acquire research grants and the graduate student population swells, academic integrity becomes essential. Training sessions to assist faculty, staff, and students are currently available.  Additional sessions are being developed. Several presentations have taken place and the links are provided below:
