
  • Nature Index |

    China's status at the summit of the Nature Index remains unrivalled as the gap between it and the United States grows.

    Image: Qiu Xinsheng/VCG via Getty
  • Nature Index |

    More money is being spent on medical R&D than ever before, but with few new drugs to show for it.

    Image: Taj Francis
  • Nature Index |

    Good science is not limited to wealthy countries and research in the global south is too often ignored, to the detriment of innovation and discovery everywhere.

    Image: Picture shows male scientist
  • Nature Index |

    Institutions in major cities can play a crucial role in helping rural areas build resilience in the face of climate change and other global challenges.

    Image: lingqi xie/Getty
  • Nature Index |

    China’s rapid rise in the Nature Index is unparalleled, but where does it go to from here?

    Image: ARUN SANKAR/AFP via Getty Images
  • Nature Index |

    Climate and conservation scientists are bringing real progress to the fight against global warming, despite political and funding obstacles.

  • Nature Index |

    A cornerstone of scientific activity in many countries, cancer research is producing game-changing work for universal gain.

    Image: Eva Vázquez
  • Nature Index |

    China has surpassed the United States to become the leading nation in the Nature Index.

    Image: Joey Guidone
  • Nature Index |

    The Nature Index 2023 Annual Tables highlight the most prolific institutions and countries in high-quality research publishing for the year 2022. For the first time, they track output in high-quality medical journals in addition to four natural-science categories.

    Image: Pallava Bagla/Corbis via Getty
  • Nature Index |

    Japan is the world’s third largest economy, but for years now it has lagged in science and research compared to smaller economies such as Germany and the United Kingdom.

    Image: Irwin Wong for Nature
  • Nature Index |

    Gene therapy – the science of substituting faulty or missing genes for functioning versions to prevent genetic diseases – has been in and out of fashion for decades.

    Image: Torsten Wittmann/Science Photo Library
  • Nature Index |

    Innovation – the practice of turning cutting edge basic research into inventions with real world application – is the driver of knowledge economies.

    Image: Irena Gajic