
  • Nature Index |

    Institutions and countries responsible for some of the highest quality science tend to form the strongest partnerships. Nature Index 2016 Collaborations highlights some of the most fruitful collaborations, such as those resulting from the bonds between China and the United States. The two countries produce the most high-quality science publications, and collaborate more than any other international pairing.

    Image: Ian MacLellan
  • Nature Index |

    Nature Index 2016 Australia and New Zealand highlights these countries’ quality natural science research. The supplement focuses on the cities and institutions that contribute the lion’s share, and examines the factors that drive their success. In some instances, local partnerships have played a significant role.

    Image: Stefan Postles
  • Nature Index |

    Nature Index 2016 Rising Stars identifies the ascendant performers in the world of science, using the power of the Nature Index, which tracks the high-quality research of more than 8,000 global institutions. In this supplement we profile the universities, research institutions and countries that have significantly improved their output, often without the longevity and resources which benefit many of the more established institutions that dominate academic rankings.

    Image: ESO/José Francisco Salgado
  • Nature Index |

    In 2015 Saudi Arabia had the largest growth of its region in the production of high-quality research tracked by the Nature Index, propelling the country into a leading position. Strong and fruitful collaborations with international powerhouses have been integral to the country’s rapid rise and it now has its sights firmly set on becoming a global player in science.

  • Nature Index |

    Japan is among the top producers of high quality research in the Nature Index, but new analysis reveals this position is being challenged. Nature Index 2016 Japan shows that the country’s output of high impact research has declined in recent years, in line with a similar fall in science spending. On the positive side, many institutions have built and strengthened partnerships with domestic and international collaborators.

    Image: Kamioka Observatory/ICRR/The University of Tokyo
  • Nature Index |

    The 2015 Nature Index supplement dedicated to China reveals that the country’s output of high-quality science continues to grow — a trend that shows no signs of slowing. With data from three sequential years (2012–2014), the Nature Index has become a powerful tool to explore emerging trends in research. In Nature Index 2015 Chinathe data highlight the contribution of particular Chinese cities to the country’s scientific ascension.

  • Nature Index |

    This supplement subscribes to the view that scientific collaborations play an increasingly important role in driving world-leading research. The Nature Index database — with its focus on high-quality science articles — lends itself well to the analysis of collaboration patterns both between institutions and among countries. Nature Index 2015 Collaborationspaints a rich picture of the global research ecosystem, and yields Insights into the power and impact of joint research.

  • Nature Index |

    The Nature Index 2014 China supplement examines a snapshot of results from the Nature Index, comparing the cities and institutions within the country that contributed to some of the highest quality research during the previous calendar year. The supplement uses data from the Nature Index on subject strengths and research output to provide analysis of institutions down to the work of individual researchers.

  • Nature Index |

    The Nature Index 2014 Global supplement provides a snapshot of results from the new Nature Index, comparing the countries and institutions around the world that contributed to some of the highest quality research during the previous calendar year. The supplement provides analysis based on national news about science policy and funding backed by data from the Nature Index on subject strengths and research output.