
Download a virus genome data package by accession.


Download a virus genome data package by accession.


datasets download virus genome accession - Download a virus genome data package by accession.


datasets download virus genome accession <accession ...> [flags]


Download a virus genome data package by GenBank or RefSeq nucleotide accession. Virus genome data packages include genome, transcript and protein sequences, annotation and one or more data reports. Data packages are downloaded as a zip archive.

The default virus genome data package includes the following files:

  • genomic.fna (genomic sequences)
  • data_report.jsonl (data report with virus genome metadata)
  • dataset_catalog.json (a list of files and file types included in the data package)


  datasets download virus genome accession NC_045512.2 --include genome,cds,protein


      --annotated                 Limit to annotated genomes
      --api-key string            Specify an NCBI API key
      --complete-only             Limit to complete genomes
      --debug                     Emit debugging info
      --filename string           Specify a custom file name for the downloaded data package (default "")
      --geo-location string       Limit to genomes isolated from a specified geographic location (continent, country or U.S. state)
      --help                      Print detailed help about a datasets command
      --host string               Limit to virus genomes isolated from a specified host species
      --include string(,string)   Specify virus genome sequence types to download
                                    * genome:     genomic sequences
                                    * cds:        nucleotide coding sequences
                                    * protein:    amino acid sequences
                                    * annotation: annotation report
                                    * biosample:  biosample report
                                    * none:       no sequence data, only primary data report
                                       (default [genome])
      --inputfile string          Read a list of nucleotide accessions from a file to use as input
      --lineage string            Limit results by Pango lineage (only SARS-CoV-2)
      --no-progressbar            Hide progress bar
      --released-after string     Limit to genomes released on or after a specified date (free format, ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD recommended)
      --updated-after string      Limit to genomes updated on or after a specified date (free format, ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD recommended)
      --version                   Print version of datasets
Generated June 25, 2024