
Paying for Your Education


At NYU, we don’t want money to stand in the way of your success. That’s why many of our students receive some form of financial assistance to help pay for their education.

As a student at New York University, you will likely tap into one or more types of financial aid that include:


Icon representing a scholarship


Average Scholarship Amount Awarded to First-Years

Icon representing a pell grant


First-Years Who Received Pell Grants

Icon representing a research scholarship

$2.7 million

Total awarded to 3,000+ students in research scholarships

Icon representing starting salary


Average Starting Salary for NYU Graduates

How Aid is Awarded

No matter your financial situation, you should apply for financial aid. For students who file on time, NYU meets the full demonstrated need of admitted students as determined by your expected family contribution from information that you provide on the CSS Profile. In our calculations of a family's need, we also take into account eligibility for federal and state grants and student employment.

Applying for Aid

When you apply to attend NYU, you should also fill out the FAFSA and CSS Profile by their deadlines to be considered for available financial aid.

Cost of Attendance

College costs money. But, when thinking in terms of investing, one of the best places for a solid return on your money is education. On average, recent NYU graduates with a BS or a BA make about $64,895 per year. That, according to, puts NYU in the top 9% percent of universities that give you the best return on your educational investment.

While tuition and room and board will make up a big portion of your expenses at NYU, you will also have to budget for things like books, supplies and transportation.

Find out more about the cost of attendance at our international campuses in:

Other Helpful Links

If you’re an incoming graduate student or are looking for more information about financial aid at NYU, we’ve put together a few helpful links for you.

Learn more about: