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Paula Morgan

(b Philadelphia, July 8, 1899; d Philadelphia, July 6, 1984). American musicologist and music librarian. He studied Romance languages and literature at the University of Pennsylvania, where he received the BA in 1921, the MA in 1925 and the PhD in 1931, and at the University of Copenhagen from 1922 to 1923. He taught both French and music at the University of Pennsylvania from 1923 until 1970, when he retired as emeritus professor of music. From 1937 he was curator of the university library, which was renamed the Otto E. Albrecht Music Library on his retirement. He also held several government positions, serving on the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees for Bavaria (1945–6), as chief of the publications section for the United States Military Government in Hesse (1947) and in Russia as specialist in musicology for the Department of State (1961).

Albrecht's historical interests included music in America to ...


Wayne D. Shirley


(b Brookline, MA, Nov 28, 1943). American conductor, musicologist, and music librarian. Anderson attended Bryn Mawr (BA 1965), the University of Illinois (MM 1969), and the University of Maryland (MLS 1989). Anderson was a Music Librarian at the Library of Congress from 1978 to 1995 before resigning to pursue an independent career as a conductor, specializing in the conducting of music to accompany the showings of silent films. Her interest in this area began in the late 1970s while working on the score for Carl Dreyer’s The Passion of Joan of Arc. Her conducting is informed by scholarly work; whenever possible her performances use the music for its original release; lacking that, she compiles a score using material which might have been used during the film’s first showings. A good example of her work is the 1922 film Häxan (now on Criterion Collection DVD 134)....


Mark McKnight

(b Christianburg, VA, April 4, 1942). American music librarian. He studied music and English at Emory and Henry College, Emory, Virginia (BA 1963) and received his graduate degree in library science (MLS 1973) from George Peabody College for Teachers (now part of Vanderbilt University) in Nashville, Tennessee. He did additional graduate work in music at Yale University as a Woodrow Wilson Fellow and at Indiana University. Following three years of service in the US Army in Vietnam and Italy, he studied Italian at the Università Italiana per Stranieri, Perugia, Italy, 1969–70. After holding various library positions at James Madison University from 1973 to 1984, he served as principal cataloger and music cataloger at Virginia Tech University from 1984 to 1997, when he joined the staff of the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, where he currently serves as Head of the Original Cataloging Section of the Cataloging Services Department....


Jan Trojan

revised by Geoffrey Chew

(b Rataje u Kroměříže, June 3, 1887; d Prague, Jan 25, 1949). Czech composer and musicologist. He studied at Prague University under Nejedlý and Hostinský, receiving the PhD in 1912 for a dissertation on Moravian folk opera in the 18th century. He studied composition under Novák (1908–10) and counterpoint under Ostrčil (1920), and he devoted himself to composition after his appointment as head of the musical archive at the National Museum in Prague (now the Muzeum české hudby) in 1915, though his contemporaries always regarded him as a Moravian composer. In the 1920s he was an official in the Society for Modern Music. Passing from late-Romanticism into a distinctive modernism after World War I, his music remained broadly lyrical, with traces of Moravian folk influence, and with mainly triadic (though often non-functional) harmony. Most of his numerous works are cast in extended forms. His vocal works remained in the repertoire long after World War II, especially the choral works....


Mimi Tashiro

(Phillips) [Todd Mayfield, Ann; Todd, Ann E.]

(b Denver, CO, Aug 26, 1931). American music librarian, editor, and publisher. Daughter of composer Burrill Phillips and Alberta Phillips, and wife of composer Robert Basart, she was raised by her maternal grandparents who named her Ann Todd Mayfield. As Ann E. Todd, she was a child actress featured in more than twenty films such as Intermezzo, All This, and Heaven Too, and Three Daring Daughters. In 1953 she graduated from University of California, Los Angeles in Music History and continued her studies at the University of California, Berkeley earning an MLS in 1958 and MA in 1960. She had a distinguished career as reference librarian at the UC Berkeley Music Library from 1960–61 and 1970–90, during which time she founded and edited the library’s newsletter, Cum Notis Variorum, which gained a national audience. It contained news, reviews, and substantial articles, including bibliographies, checklists, and indexes on various topics and sources. Basart also wrote numerous reviews for ...


Paula Morgan

(b New York, Sept 2, 1906; d Brattleboro, VT, April 7, 2001). American music scholar and librarian. He was educated at the College of the City of New York, New York University, the Institute of Musical Art and the Mannes College of Music; his studies included the violin and chamber music with Louis Sveçenski, composition with Bernard Wagenaar and Hans Weisse, and musicology with Sachs and Reese. From 1931 to 1968 he worked in the music division of the New York Public Library as head of the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections, editor of music publications and curator of the Toscanini Memorial Archives; from 1950 to 1968 he taught at the Mannes College of Music. In 1968 he became director of libraries and a member of the faculty at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. He retired in 1976.

Beck’s principal fields of study were early string techniques and performing practice, textual analyses and criticism (see his ...


Paula Morgan

(b New York, June 28, 1918; d Paris, March 23, 1980). American musicologist and music librarian. She studied with James Friskin at the Juilliard School, taking a diploma in the piano in 1938; she received the BA at Hunter College the following year. After graduate work in musicology at the University of Iowa, she received the MA in 1951 and the PhD in 1961. She was music librarian at the University of Iowa from 1953; in 1967 she was appointed associate professor of music there. She was president of the Music Library Association, 1962–3, and became secretary of the AMS in 1972 and editor of Fontes artis musicae in 1976.

Among Benton's interests was French music of the late 18th century. She endeavoured to solve the difficult bibliographical problems associated with Ignace Pleyel, whose compositions appear in different arrangements, with altered titles, or with movements transposed, added or omitted in different publications. Her translation of Frits Noske's ...


Malcolm Turner

(Jean Etienne Charles Marie)

(b Ghent, Jan 23, 1868; d Ghent, Nov 14, 1935). Belgian musicologist and librarian. As a university student at Ghent, Bergmans attended piano and violin classes at Ghent Conservatory and had private lessons in music theory from Hendrik Waelput. In 1885, while still at university, he began to write music criticism for Flandre libérale and continued to do so until his death. In 1892 he took a post as assistant librarian at Ghent University, where he remained for the rest of his professional life. He became principal librarian there in 1919 and in the same year accepted the chair of musicology at Ghent, the first to be established at a Belgian university. In the following year he became a member of the Académie Royale de Belgique. Bergmans was interested in all branches of history, not merely that of music, and with his training as a historian and librarian, had an exact and painstaking cast of mind. Throughout most of his life he played an important part in the commission for the ...


Charles Mould

(b Bristol, UK, 1919; d Oxford, UK, Nov 25, 1999). English scholar and librarian. After reading Classics at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (MA), Boalch became librarian of the Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Hertfordshire. In March 1962 he was appointed Keeper of Scientific Books at the Radcliffe Science Library, Bodleian Library, Oxford (a position he held until he retired in 1975), and in 1965 he was elected a Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He was also an FSA. His love of music and gift for information collection and management were essential for the production of his most enduring work, Makers of the Harpsichord and Clavichord 1440–1840 (Oxford, 1956; 3/1995, ed. C. Mould), a standard reference in the field of keyboard organology, offering a model for the identification and presentation of significant data about persons and keyboard instruments.

C. Mould: ‘Donald Howard Boalch: 1914–1999’, GSJ, vol.53 (2000), 9....


Sergio Martinotti

(b Rome, 11/Jan 16, 1638; d Rome, March 30, 1725). Italian librarian and bibliographer. He seems to have been a Jesuit. He was chief librarian at the Collegio Romano from 1676; he was also in charge of the archives of the Museum Kircherianum, Rome, of which he compiled the catalogue (Rome, ...


Katharine Ellis

(b Paris, May 15, 1797; d Paris, March 22, 1850). French music historian and librarian. He studied at the Ecole Polytechnique, thereafter receiving a degree in law. However, being of independent means, he was able to devote himself to music. An amateur cellist, he received compositional and theoretical training in music from Desvignes, Cherubini and Reicha, as a result of which he composed several pieces (none of which was published), including two string quartets, a Passion, a ballet, several masses, and an opéra comique performed c1820 at the Hôtel Lambert. Fétis claimed the credit for turning Bottée towards ‘l’archéologie musicale’ in 1827; however, Choron and Perne were also influential.

In 1826 Bottée travelled to Italy, Germany and Austria, meeting Kiesewetter in Vienna; thereafter they maintained lifelong correspondence. In 1831 he began unsalaried work as librarian at the Paris Conservatoire, restoring order after Fétis’s departure; he remained in the post until ...


Mark McKnight

(b Mount Pleasant, MI, May 11, 1958). American librarian. She studied music history at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant (BM 1979) and received graduate degrees in library science (AMLS 1981) and historical musicology (MA 1982) from the University of Michigan. After serving as music cataloger at Detroit Public Library (1985–8), she was appointed music cataloger (1988–91), then Associate Head of Technical Services (1991–8), and Head of Technical Services (1998–2007) at Sibley Music Library of the Eastman School of Music. In addition, from 2000 to 2007 she held a concurrent position as head of cataloging at the University of Rochester Libraries, where she presently serves as director of metadata management.

Bowen has been active in committees related to cataloging in both the Music Library Association and the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) and has given numerous presentations on the subject. She represented US libraries in the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of ...


Jane Gottlieb

(b Rockville Centre, NY, Aug 23, 1954). American music librarian and composer. He holds degrees in music composition from the State University of New York College at Oneonta (BA 1976) and Hunter College, CUNY (MA 1981) as well as in library science from Columbia University (MLS 1987). Boziwick joined the staff of the New York Public Library in 1986, served as Curator of its American Music Collection from 1991 to 2008, and was appointed Chief of the Music Division of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts in 2006. In these roles he has worked closely with composers, performers, and musicologists to foster research on and documentation of American music.

An active composer, Boziwick’s works have been performed by the Dorian Wind Quintet, the Modern Brass Quintet, and other ensembles. He has performed as an oboist and blues harmonica player. Boziwick has served on the boards of the Music Library Association and the Society for American Music....


Nancy Nuzzo

(b Huntingdon, PA, Aug 12, 1934; d Buffalo, NY, July 27, 2009). American music librarian, historian, and educator. She attended Lebanon Valley College (BS, Music, 1956), Western Reserve University (now Case-Western Reserve) (MS, Library Science, 1957), and the University of Florida (PhD 1978), and held positions at the Free Library of Philadelphia (1957–9), the United States Military Academy Library (1959–60), Vassar College (1960–67), and the State University of New York at Buffalo (1967–99) where, with James Coover, she established that institution’s Music Library and its program in music librarianship.

Bradley’s legacy falls into three areas: music cataloging and indexing; the history of music librarianship in America; and education for music librarianship. She was the leading authority on the Dickinson Classification for music, publishing a manual for its use in 1968. The Index to Poetry in Music is an example of her rigorous application of technical services skills to a public services problem. For her research into the history of American music librarianship, Bradley conducted hundreds of oral history interviews with pioneers in the field, producing two essential monographs and a series of vital articles that appeared in ...


Jiří Sehnal

(b Jarošov, nr Uherské Hradiště, Moravia, Feb 12, 1874; d Kroměříž, Aug 8, 1937). Czech historian and archivist. After studying at the theological faculty in Olomouc (1892–6), he was ordained priest in 1896; for two years he was a student prefect in the archiepiscopal seminary in Kroměříž. He began studying history in 1898 at the University of Innsbruck and took his doctorate there in 1903. On his return he taught history at the archiepiscopal Gymnasium in Kroměříž until 1924. He became librarian in the archbishop’s palace in Kroměříž in 1915 and archivist in 1921; he performed both functions with great zeal and devotion until his death.

From 1927 Breitenbacher began to build up the music archive in Kroměříž Castle, gradually acquiring the music collections of the Olomouc bishops between 1664 and 1831 and the musical archives of the churches of the Panna Marie and St Mořic at Kroměříž and the Piarist college there. The leading Czech music historians of the time, Helfert, Trolda and Vetterl, assisted him in classifying and cataloguing the music. The archives established by Breitenbacher have become a basic source for music of the Viennese cultural circle from ...


Christiane Spieth-Weissenbacher

revised by Jean Gribenski

(b Angoulême, Feb 2, 1907; d Paris, May 2, 1990). French librarian and musicologist. She studied arts subjects at the Sorbonne (1926–32) where she was a student of Pirro and took a degree in 1930. Then she studied singing at the Conservatoire (1932–6) in Claire Croiza's class. She obtained the Diplôme de l'Institut d'Art et d'Archéologie in 1944, the Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures (1946, prepared at the University of Strasbourg under the direction of Rokseth), and a diploma in Serbo-Croat, after studying at the Ecole des Langues Orientales (1947–9). She became a keeper in the music department of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, in 1945. As a musicologist she was interested in Italy and France during the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, and published many valuable articles in specialist journals as well as in the major music dictionaries and encyclopedias. From 1969 to 1971...


Paula Morgan

(b Boston, MA, July 21, 1919; d Danbury, CT, Aug 23, 1992). American librarian, administrator, and writer on music. He studied at Boston, Columbia, and Harvard universities. From 1937 to 1947 he worked at the Boston Public Library, becoming assistant head of the music department. In 1946 he was appointed librarian of the Berkshire Music Center, of which he was later administrator (1957–63); from 1947 he also served as assistant librarian of the Boston SO, a position created for him by Koussevitzky. He was later assistant to Charles Munch (1953–7) and then artistic administrator of the orchestra. From 1963 to 1973 Burkat was employed by CBS, first as director of Columbia Masterworks, then as vice-president of Columbia Records, and finally as vice-president of CBS/Columbia Records Group. In 1975 he began his own syndicated program-note firm. He wrote reviews and articles for the Boston Globe...


Carolyn Gianturco

revised by Teresa M. Gialdroni

(b Piacenza, Sept 14, 1926). Italian musicologist and librarian. He took the classics degree at the Catholic University, Milan (1948), a diploma in piano at the Piacenza Conservatory (1949), a diploma at the Scuola di Paleografia Musicale, University of Parma (1953), and a diploma in choral music at the Parma Conservatory (1954). He studied the piano with Gino Tagliapietra and Enzo Calace, and composition with Giulio Cesare Paribeni. He then taught music history at Parma Conservatory (1954–9) before becoming professor of music history and librarian at the Piacenza Conservatory (vice-director from 1975) as well as music critic for the Piacenza daily newspaper Libertà. His main area of research has been the music of Piacenza, especially its early sacred music; in 1987 he founded the collected edition Monumenti Musicali Piacentini e Farnesiani. He has also studied the instrumental and vocal music of Brahms and the sacred music of Francesco Cavalli, and has translated into Italian and added pertinent information to volumes ii, iv and v of the ...


Richard Griscom

(b Lorain, OH, Mar 22, 1954). American music librarian, theorist, and editor. She received her undergraduate degree in music theory from Ohio University (BM 1976). While completing studies in music theory at Northwestern University (PhD 1985), she joined the staff of the Northwestern University Music Library (1980–98). Campana was also active in the promotion of contemporary music in Chicago through performances with the ensemble Kapture (1977–86) and by editing the monthly newsletter of New Music Chicago (1982–4). Her study of library science at the University of Chicago (MA 1987) led to her appointment as music public services librarian at Northwestern (1987–98). While at Northwestern, she also held appointments as lecturer (1993–8) and assistant dean for undergraduate studies (1993–4) in the School of Music and acting head of the Music Library (1994–6). In ...


Paula Morgan

(b Winston-Salem, NC, Sept 26, 1916; d New York, June 12, 1993). American music librarian. He graduated from Salem College in 1938 with the BM; in 1942 he received the MA in musicology from the Eastman School of Music. After a further year of graduate studies he began work as a music cataloguer in the Sibley Music Library of the Eastman School. In 1943 he accepted a position in the music division of the Library of Congress. From 1959 he was associated with the New York Public Library, first as assistant chief and, from 1966, as chief of the music division. Campbell's career combined training as a pianist and musicologist with experience in librarianship. While serving as head of one of the major music research collections in the USA he played an active role in professional organizations: from 1967 to 1969 he was president of the Music Library Association, and in ...
