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Travelling by Plane and Train

Important note: When searching for train connections, make sure you are travelling to Freiberg (Sachs). Freiberg is sometimes confused with Freiburg, so make sure your ticket says Freiberg (Sachsen, Saxony).

Freiberg is located between Dresden and Chemnitz. Each of these cities is 40 kilometres from Freiberg. A train leaves Dresden or Chemnitz for Freiberg at least once an hour.

  • If you are travelling via Prague airport, you can reach Freiberg from Prague main station (Praha hl.n.) by Eurocity or long-distance bus via Dresden.
  • If you are flying into Berlin Airport (BER), you can take a direct Intercity or long-distance bus (Flixbus) to Freiberg via Dresden.
  • If you are flying into Frankfurt (Main) airport, you can get to Freiberg by Intercity Express via Dresden or by coach (Flixbus) via Dresden or Leipzig.

We recommend using the Deutsche Bahn website or app to find a connection to Freiberg by public transport.

Further information on how to get to Freiberg is available on the website of the city of Freiberg.

Getting to the Accommodation from the Train Station

  • Freiberg train station is outside the city centre. With light luggage you can walk to the centre in about 15 minutes.
  • Taxis are available outside the station. You can book a taxi by phone on +49 3731 32134 (Taxi Hähnel) or +49 3731 26270 (Funk-Taxi-Service GmbH). Please order in German.
  • The name of the bus stop at the train station is called “Freiberg (Sachs), Bahnhof“. If you want to take the bus to the campus, the bus stop is  “Freiberg (Sachs), Agricolastr/Universität“. You can find bus departure times on the website (only available in German).

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Get the Support of a Buddy

We recommend to register for the Buddy Programme. Your buddy will be able to help you once you arrive in Freiberg. Please don't forget to inform your buddy of your arrival time well in advan

Travelling by Car

From the A4 motorway (exit 75 - Siebenlehn) you will need to drive about 17 kilometres on the B 101 towards Freiberg. Follow the signs to Freiberg.

Note: There are no road or motorway tolls in Germany. Leaded petrol is not available. Free parking is available near the student dormitories.
