Research groups

AGENDA - Actions for Gender Development in Academy
The consortium has been designed with the purpose of addressing the gender dimension beyond the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics field (STEM). While the STEM areas represent the research field most affected by gender inequalities and common false assumptions that position women as less suited to STEM subjects than men, socio-economic sciences and humanities field (SSH) is less addressed and gender stereotypes can be less transparent. AGENDA aspires at deconstructing gender stereotypes and biases that affect SSH by introducing gender equality in academia and research.
Atlas of ideas - Atlante delle idee della tradizione giuridica europea
La finalità del Gruppo di ricerca è l’analisi critica del patrimonio culturale pandettistico e della sua rielaborazione successiva, attraverso l’esposizione critica delle idee concettualizzate partendo dal Corpus iuris civilis, nonché il vaglio del suo impiego per descrivere il presente, e della sua utilità per il futuro. In particolare, il Team, nell’ambito della sua ricerca, intende affrontare tali problemi dalla specola delle categorie processuali e sostanziali di tradizione romanistica.
The research group was formed in the context of the approval and funding of the BRILLE research project. The group is made of Italian and foreign academics and it examines the regulatory phenomena in the field of international finance, with special regard to the Basel Committee.
Controversial cases about inheritance law
Controversial cases about inheritance law
Costs and Benefits of Human Rights-Specific Sanctions
The project analyses the costs and benefits for States and businesses of sanctions applied in implementation of the new human rights-specific sanction regimes
Default Judgments and the Rights of Defence in Brussels I bis Regulation - Decisioni contumaciali e diritto di difesa nel Regolamento Bruxelles I bis (DefaultDecisionDefence)
The project aims to contribute to the correct implementation of Brussels I bis Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012) within the framework of human rights obligations of the EU and its member States.
Diritti e libertà fondamentali come oggetto e limite della tutela penale nel cyberspace
Il gruppo di ricerca è incentrato sul progetto di ricerca, che si caratterizza per la sua multidisciplinarità, si dovrà articolare in varie fasi d’indagine e di studio, prevedendo un’interazione con criminologi, esperti e tecnici informatici, esponenti di imprese, associazioni ed operatori del settore
Diritto costituzionale europeo e comparato dell’agricoltura
Il gruppo di ricerca indaga le tipologie di nuovi interessi pubblici che incidono sull'agrarietà dei fondi e delinea lo statuto pubblicistico della proprietà e dell’attività agricole. La ricerca è finanziata dalla Südtiroler Bauernbund ed è collegato alla Rivista "Il diritto dell'agricoltura" (
Etica e diritto della biomedicina di innovazione

Gruppo costituzionale

Gruppo Longevity

Population aging and generational transitions
The project deals with the demographic change in an interdisciplinary perspective and aims to elaborate new juridical tools for this problem and for the related generational transitions.
The research has as its main goal the analysis of the impact of the use of new technologies in the resolution of international disputes that affect both private individuals as well as states and organizations operating globally. The focus will be in particular, on transnational disputes arising online. In this respect, the investigation will concern the evolution of the different systems of online dispute resolution in the digital context, with special reference to the private extrajudicial systems implemented within online platforms. The principal achievement will be the deep understanding and evaluation about the effects and consequences on the principles of preserving and guaranteeing rights and interests in such new resolution mechanisms as well about the characteristics of independence and impartiality of the ‘judge”, especially when the decision is referred to machine-based systems.
Decision-making and sources of law
The research focuses on two main questions: how are decision-making processes changing in contemporary societies and what are the new legal products resulting from the new processes?
Social Housing
Analysis of the main legal issues concerning social housing through research and data collection and proposals for new solutions
European Union
Study and analysis of European Union law; elaboration of projects; networking; publication of scientific papers.


Research facilities

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