Public engagement

Public engagement

Community engagement

Alongside its traditional activities of teaching and research, the Department encourages and supports the third mission concept, which aims to promote the development, use and direct application of knowledge to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of society. It is an essential link between universities and the general public, creating encounters, exchanges and opportunities for mutual development.
The Department of Law is involved in third mission activities primarily through organising academic conferences and seminars. These initiatives often become occasions of continuing development, lifelong learning and public engagement. Often run in convention with local, national or international professional bodies and associations, these public events are valuable tools for disseminating academic research results and providing food for thought for legal debate.
In addition to organising its own events, professors from the Department are constantly involved in external activities as national and international experts in their field.
The Department also carries out activities for third parties, organises placement offices, helps business incubators and participates in consortia and associations as part of its third mission.
In the Department there is a Law Clinic which operates in convention with the Bar Association of Verona..
Eventi di public engagement


Con l’espressione public engagement si identifica l'insieme delle attività senza scopo di lucro, con valore educativo, culturale e di sviluppo della società svolte a beneficio di pubblici diversi rispetto agli studenti, alle comunità scientifiche o alle imprese.



Search by key words.

  • The search will find the first 100 items relevant to the key word(s).
  • The search results will show people, publications, research projects and skills within the Department.

  • ESEMPIO 1: spatial data  cerca:
    '...spatial ...<qualsiasi cosa in mezzo>... data...'
  • ESEMPIO 2: spatial, data cerca:
    '...spatial...' OR ''
  • ESEMPIO 3: spatial data, molecular cerca:
    ('...spatial ...<qualsiasi cosa in mezzo>... data...') OR 'molecular'

*Si possono inserire fino a 2 virgole; parole seguenti una terza o successive virgole verranno ignorate per evitare un appesantimento del carico del server.
È comunque sempre possibile effettuare piú interrogazioni successive.

Information for Community

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