Course Catalogue 2023/2024 Spring Semester

Language of conduct: all courses in the catalogue are offered in English.

Choice of Courses: Within the list of courses offered, students are mostly free to choose based on their preferences independent of their field of studies.

Exceptions: please check the admission requirements column in the Course Catalogue.

Courses with Hungarian titles: The Linguistics courses are offered by the Hungarian "Angol Tanszék" (English Department) of KJU, thus Erasmus+ students will attend courses together with Hungarian students.


In case of courses offered for English Studies and English Teacher Training Majors ONLY, an English Language Placement Test must be taken as a precondition of taking them up. Places to these courses are limited!

Should you have any questions about the offered courses, do not hesitate to contact the International Programcoordinators of KJU at







NAN180 Amerikai Irodalom a századfordulótól a II. Világháborúig

(American Literature from 1900 to 1945)

Dr. Tamás Péter

(lecture + seminar)

 English Language Studies English Placement Test
 NAN297 Egyesült Királyság és Írország kultúrája

(The Culture of The UK and Ireland) 

 Dr. Kodó Krisztina

Dr. Szele Bálint


 English Language Studies English Placement Test
NAN332 Válogatott szemelvények az amerikai irodalomból

(Major Trends in American Literature)

Dr. Tamás Péter


English Language Studies English Placement Test
NAN333 Válogatott szemelvények a brit irodalomból

(Major Trends in British Literature)

Harasztos Ágnes


English Language Studies English Placement Test

Kultúrák és identitások az angolszász világban

(Cultures and identities in the Anglo-Saxon world)


Szele Bálint


English Language Studies English Placement Test
NIK001 Understanding Europe 5 Dr. Kriváchy Orsolya All majors  
NIK002 Globalisation & Social Problems 5   All majors  
NIK004 Introduction to Mathematics 5   All majors  
NIK005 Introduction to Management 5 Wirthné dr. Móricz Zsuzsa All majors  
NIK006 Global Geography 5   BSc in Tourism and Catering  
NIK009 Global Future Trend Analysis 5 Dr. Kis Benedek József All majors  
NIK010 Global Mobility Landscapes 5

Várkonyi László

All majors  
NIK011 EU Policies 5 Kun Bence Józsua All majors  
NIK012 Global Public Policies 5 Dr. Prantner Zoltán All majors  
NIK013 Politics & Comparative Politics 5 Dr. Prantner Zoltán All majora  
NIK014 Introduction to Tourism Management 5 Dr. Grotte Judit MSc in Tourism Management  
NIK015 International Relations: Recent Issues 5 Dr. Szent-Iványi István MA in International Relations  
NIK020 Intercultural Communication 5 Horváti Éva All majors  
NIK029 Introduction to Microeconomics 5 Dr. Mile Csilla All majors  
NIK031 External Services in Business, Tourism & IR 5 Dr. Grotte Judit All majors  
NIK034 Global Environmental Problems and Management 5   BSc in Business Administration and Management  
NIK040 Financial Services for Enterprise Development 5   MSc in Business Development  
NKL212 Hungarian as a Foreign Language 5 Dr. Kriváchy Orsolya All majors  
NIK050 Tourism Marketing 5  Sárvári Krisztina BSc /MSc in Tourism or Marketing  
NIK135 Sustainable Tourism Development 5   CANCELLED  

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