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RG Social Learning and Person Perception


Diploma Psychologist | Head of the Research Group | EEG Laboratory Manager

PD Dr. rer. nat. Florian Bublatzky

Phone: +49 621 1703-4461


C 4, 11, 4th Floor, Room 406


The research group aims at a better understanding of face and person perception as a function of individual learning history. A particular focus is on different means of learning – based on own experiences, observations, and instructions – and how contextual-environmental settings (e.g., knowledge about other people or situation) impact on self- and other-perception. The workings of involved mechanisms and (dys-)functions are examined from an experimental psycho(patho)logy perspective. We take a dimensional transdiagnostic approach focusing on healthy and clinical populations; with implications for stress- and anxiety-related disorders with interpersonal disturbances (e.g., anticipatory anxiety and social anxiety disorder).

Key questions address: (1) neuronal processing and motor-behavioral responding in social situations, (2) social accelerators of fear extinction learning, (3) emotion perception, and (4) decision making during threatening or safe conditions. To this end, we use multiple methods from the social and neurosciences (e.g., EEG/ERP, MEG, EMG, ratings, and behavioral measures) and test various social stimuli and situations (e.g., face, body, gestures, and social interaction scenes) in healthy control and clinical populations.

The research group is embedded in a local and national network (within the CIMH, the Universities of Mannheim, Münster, Magdeburg, Würzburg, and Konstanz), as well as international collaborations with the University of Granada (Spain), Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands), and the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden).

Are you interested in these topics and would like to participate (e.g. internship, master or doctoral thesis, research assistant)? Please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit (ZI) - https://www.zi-mannheim.de