From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Multilayer protocols

Multilayer protocols

- [Instructor] Multilayer network communication protocols provide standards that allow diverse systems to communicate with each other. The most common multilayer protocol that security professionals encounter is the TCP/IP suite of network protocols. TCP/IP powers the internet and almost every local area network on the planet today. However, TCP/IP isn't the only multilayer protocol that you need to be familiar with. The distributed network protocol, or DNP3, is a set of networking protocols designed specifically for use in a class of systems known as supervisory control and data acquisition, or SCADA systems. DNP3 facilitates communications between devices using three distinct components. First, the purpose of these systems is to allow the collection of data from intelligent electronic devices that are located at a series of remote substations. Each one of these substations has a remote terminal unit or RTU that provides connectivity for all of the intelligent electronic devices at…
