From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Question types

Question types

- As you prepare for the CISSP exam, it helps to have a good understanding on the types of questions that you'll face when you sit down in front of that testing computer. The more you know about the question types, format and writing style, the more confident you'll feel as you work your way through the long CISSP test. The computer-based CISSP exam contains between 100 and 150 questions spread out over the eight CISSP domains. The testing computer will present those questions to you in random order, so don't expect them to be sorted by domain or topic. You'll need to reset your thinking as you face each new question on the exam. The exam contains three different types of questions, standard multiple choice questions, scenario-based questions and hands-on questions. Let's look at each of these categories. The vast majority of the questions you'll face on the exam will be straightforward multiple choice questions. You'll be asked a short one or two sentence question and then presented…
