From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Security control selection and implementation

Security control selection and implementation

- [Instructor] Security professionals spend the majority of their time designing, implementing and managing security controls as countermeasures to the risks that they identify during risk assessments. Security controls are procedures and mechanisms that an organization puts in place to address security risks in some manner. This might include trying to reduce the likelihood of a risk materializing, minimizing the impact of a risk that does occur, or detecting security issues that take place. Before we move into the area of cybersecurity, let's think for a moment about the way that you secure your home. You probably use a variety of different security controls. You certainly have locks on your doors and windows designed to keep out intruders, minimizing the risk of a burglary. That's just common sense. You might also have a burglar alarm designed to detect intrusions, security cameras to record activity inside and outside your home, automatic light switches to deter a burglar by…
